Maintaining physical health and fitness may be accomplished by running. But if you're a runner, you know the soleus muscle can get painful after a long run.
Muscle exhaustion, improper running form, and calf muscular stiffness are all potential contributors to this sort of muscle soreness. Happily, there are a number of options for dealing with and avoiding sore soleus muscles after running.
Why Do I Have Pain in My Soleus Muscles After I Run?
When you're on the run, it's the massive soleus muscle in your lower leg that keeps your foot arch stable and protects you from harm.
Soleus muscle pain and stiffness are typical complaints among runners.
Tight calf muscles or bad form can also contribute to aching soleus muscles.
This is because an overstretch of the soleus muscle, brought on by an imbalance caused by tight calf muscles, can produce pain and discomfort.
When Running Causes Soleus Muscle Pain, What Can Be Done?
The good news is that there are a number of methods for dealing with and avoiding soleus muscle discomfort. If you want to run faster, you should focus first on improving your running form. You should aim to land on the balls of your feet rather than your heels, and you should always maintain your toes facing forward. Not only should you stretch before each run, but you should also chill off afterward. There is a lower chance of muscular tiredness and discomfort if you do this. And if you're experiencing pain in your calves, try foam rolling and stretching to release any built-up tension in the muscles. Strengthening activities, such as calf lifts, can also aid in improving soleus muscle strength and so lowering the probability of injury.
How Does Today's Fast-Paced Lifestyle Contribute to Soleus Muscle Ache?
Stresses of daily life may contribute to pain in the soleus muscle.
Calf muscles can tighten and become stiff by sitting for long periods of time, as is prevalent in today's job.
Lack of exercise might also make you more prone to injuries because of weaker muscles.
Running without first warming up and then cooling down increases the risk of muscle fatigue and discomfort.
How can I keep my soleus muscles in good condition with simple, at-home or at-work exercises?
There are a few simple exercises you can do at home or at the workplace to keep your soleus muscles in good shape. One way to strengthen the soleus muscle and lessen the likelihood of injury is to perform calf raises. Foam rolling your calves is another great way to ease muscle stress and stiffness. In addition, calf stretches can ease stress and increase mobility:
Calf Stretch No. 1: Face a wall and put one foot in front while keeping the other behind you. Get your hands on the wall and lean in until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles. You should maintain this position for 30 seconds before switching sides.
Second, the "Toe Walk," in which you walk for 30 seconds while on your toes and then for 30 seconds while on your heels. The soleus muscle gets lengthened and strengthened as a result of this.
Try this calf stretch while seated on the floor by extending your legs in front of you. A calf stretch may be achieved by wrapping a towel or a belt over the ball of the foot and pulling it towards the body. After 30 seconds, switch sides and repeat.
Calf stretch number four: step the ball of one foot up onto a step while standing on the other leg. Softly bend forward till you feel a calf stretch. After 30 seconds, switch sides and repeat.
Stand on a step with both feet and drop your heels to the floor. Slowly drop your heel to the point where your calf muscles feel a stretch. When the 30 seconds are up, switch sides.
The lower body's muscles may be strengthened and the risk of injury reduced by performing strength training activities like squats and lunges.
Exactly how does therapeutic massage work to alleviate soreness in the soleus muscle?
Soleus muscle soreness can often be alleviated with massage treatment. Muscle pain and stiffness can be alleviated with the aid of a massage therapist by easing the tense, knotted tissue that causes them. Muscle weariness and stiffness can be alleviated with the aid of a massage therapist because of the enhancements to circulation and blood flow. Additionally, inflammation is reduced with massage treatment, which further aids in pain and discomfort reduction.
This material is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advise of a qualified medical practitioner. If you haven't already, you should see a doctor about what kind of treatment might be best for you.